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Hoardings are large outdoor spaces used by companies and organisations to advertise and market their products and services to consumers ON THE GO. They are excellent mediums designed to create awareness and brand recognition.

Our hoardings are located at key locations both in Urban and Rural areas in Kerala Stretching from Kasaragod to Trivandrum to attract maximum number of eyeballs.

Our Hoardings can be utilized for your brands visibility and outreach.

Chitra Painters has bagged the sole rights to advertise Hoardings at Railway Properties in the Southern Kerala region.

Metro Pillars

Metro Pillar Branding is a promising and popular means to advertise and market product and services of a company or an organisation.

It is one of the most visible forms of brand advertising within the Kochi City Limits having over 1000 mediums covering 16 metro stations spreading over approximately 16 km.


DIGITAL OUT OF HOME (DOOH) are modern and revolutionary means to advertise and market product and services of a company or an organisation.

They are OOH mediums powered by real time digital technology providing visibility for your products and services like never before.

Transit Media

Transit Media Branding is a form of Out of Home Advertising that display advertisements strategically placed on the outside of vehicles to gain maximum visibility.

This is cost effective and can cover maximum area and reach within a stipulated budget.

We provide Transit media branding in different types of vehicles ranging from Mobile Van, Bus, Train, Autorickshaw to Cycles.

Bus Shelter

Bus Shelter Branding is an effective form of street furniture branding that provides brands to advertising products and services at bus stops targeting both passengers and bystanders commuting.

Our Bus Shelter Branding mediums are also excellent choices for Brands to do innovation projects to engage and attract a greater number of consumers.

Mall Branding

Malls are lucrative branding spots as the audience at malls are very receptive and influential. Mall branding facilitates in converting prospective consumers into potential buyers by making them aware of a brand’s products and services. The consumers can then instantly make the move of purchasing a particular product or service due to its availability at the mall itself.

Metro Train Branding

Metro Train Branding comprises of Branding outside each Metro Tarin compartments in the form of Train Wraps and Branding inside the Metro Train where advertisement spaces are strategical placed to attract maximum consumer attention. This type of advertising medium excels in reaching to captive audience creating a lasting impression.

Pole Kiosk

Pole Kiosks branding is one of the most cost effective and impactful ways of advertising and branding. They are compact advertising panels placed on centre medium lamp post on major high ways and city roads.

Chitra Painters has bagged the sole rights to advertise Pole Kiosks at Railway Bridges in the Southern Kerala region.

Traffic Signal

Traffic Signal Advertisement spaces in the form of Traffic Booths and Traffic Signal Banners. They are cost effective and impactful ways of advertising and branding.