Privacy Policy

This website is provided by Chitra Painters We take the privacy of our website users and the security of their personal information very seriously. The privacy of our visitors to is important to us and we recognize that protecting your personal information is critical. Here is information on what personal information we receive and collect when you use visit our websites, and how we safeguard your information. We never sell your personal information to third parties.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to set out the principles governing our use of the personal information, which you give to us, or we obtain about you, via the web. By using this website, or (where applicable) by registering as a user of the on-line services which we provide, you agree to this use. We ask you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. Any dispute that may arise over privacy will be subject to this policy, any collection notice given to you and the provisions of Indian law.

We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Therefore, we ask you to check this Privacy Policy occasionally to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version which will apply from the time you access this website. We will of course notify you of any changes where we are required to do so.

Information Collection & Its Use

We have in place appropriate security policies, which are intended to ensure, as far as reasonably possible, the security and integrity of all our information, including your personal information.

How we protect your information

Our website is not directed toward children under the age of [18] and we will not knowingly collect information for any child under the age of [18]. If you are the parent of a child under the age of [18] and have a concern regarding your child's information on our website, please contact us at

Log Files

As with most websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider), the browser you used to visit our site (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time you spent on our site, and which pages you visited and other information. We do not review information on individual users. Rather we look at this information in aggregate to determine how to better structure our website by analyzing which pages are most interesting to visitors and which pages are confusing.


If you complete a form (contact form, newsletter signup, downloads, etc.) on our website, we store the information you provide in a secure online CRM tool. By completing a form and sharing your personal information with us, you are opting in to receive our RADAR email newsletter and other email communications. We always permit you to unsubscribe or opt out of future emails. A one-click unsubscribe link is included in every email. We do NOT sell or share your information with any outside firms.

Agents and Service Providers

We sometimes employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. They may need access to your personal information in order to perform their functions. However, rest assured, they may not use your personal information for any other purpose.

Improper conduct

We may use the information we gather and/or receive about you to investigate and help prevent unlawful activity or activity that threatens our network or otherwise jeopardizes the provision of this website and we may disclose such information to third parties (such as the police) for these purposes.

Access and corrections

If we process personal information about you, then you have a right under data protection law to request access to that personal information (for which we may charge a small fee). You also have a right to require any inaccuracies in your information to be corrected free of charge. You can ask us to modify any details, which are inaccurate by sending e-mail to

Please state your name, username (if any), registration details (if any) and the name of this website clearly on all communications.

Other information

You should note that if our business (or any part of it) is sold or transferred at any time, the information we hold might form part of the assets transferred although it will still only be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


To opt out of marketing or newsletter emails, you can click the “Unsubscribe” link that appears in the footer of every email we send.


If you need to correct information that you have provided to us, you can email us at or +91 97 455 29 692


Informational data (non-credit card) we collect is stored in an online Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool which employs industry best practices for protecting data.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or potential data misuse, please email us at or call Chitra Painters experts at +91 97 455 29 692. Any changes to the privacy policy will be posted on this page.